VFR/IFR Certifications, repair, calibration and installations provided on site in our Full Service Avionics Shop by our skilled technicians.
Ask our avionics department about our custom fabricated instrument panels.
Cessna 172 Avionics Installation
- PS Engineering PMA7000 Audio Panel
- Garmin GMX200 MFD
- Garmin SL30 Nav/Com
- Garmin GTX330 Transponder
- Aspen EFD100 PFD
- Panel Fabrication – Powder Coated and Silk Screened

Avionics Installation in a PA-28-181
- S-Tec System 55X Autopilot with auto select/auto trim
- Garmin SL30 Nav/Com
- Ryan TAS-600 Traffic Avoidance
- JPI EDM 700 Engine Analyzer
- Mid-Continent Instruments and Avionics MD200-306 Indicator